Structure, directional-correlation, and lifetime measurements inTc95viaMo95(p,nγ)reaction spectrometry

The level structure and the decay properties of levels in Tc95 up to 2324 keV of excitation have been investigated via measurements of excitation functions of singles γ rays and via nγ- and γγ-coincidence experiments following the Mo95(p,nγ) reaction with proton energies between 3.1 and 6.5 MeV. From these experiments and from high resolution singles energy and directional-correlation measurements an extended decay scheme has been obtained which included 38 levels in Tc95 and incorporated 106 γ rays. New levels at 882.10 (13/2+), 957.12 (11/2+), 1213.10 (9/2+), 1214.53 (7/2), 1275.86 (3/2), 1281.46 (7/2+), 1307.18 (11/2+), 1631.97 (9/2+, 11/2+), 1694.50 (3/2 — 7/2), 1920.00 (1/2 — 5/2), 1920.98 (9/2±), 1958.94 (9/2±, 7/2+), 2032.31 (7/2+, 9/2±), 2210.5, and 2219.7 keV with the assigned Jπ values in parentheses were postulated. Possible levels at 1033.85 (1/2±), 1837.5, 2164.1, 2236.8, 2240.6, and 2318.2 keV are also proposed. The singles directional correlations for many transitions provided (i) reliable branching ratios, (ii) Jπ assignments, and (iii) multipole mixing ratios δ(E2M1) from analysis of the correlations via the compound statistical theory for nuclear reactions. Lifetimes for 22 states in Tc95 and lower limits for 7 additional states were obtained by the Doppler-shift-attenuation method via the Mo95(p,nγ) reaction at 4.38 and 4.88 MeV. The lifetimes were extracted from singles spectra taken in the presence of standards at seven or nine angles between 0° and 90° to the beam direction, by employin a careful centroid shift analysis of the data. For a...