A system consisting of two identical computer systems connected by a communication line is analyzed by using queuemg theory to obtam the turnaround time d~stribution, the trafftc mtenstty between the two computer systems, and the mtertransfer time distribuUon The analysis ts earned out under the assumptions of Potsson arrivals and exponentml servtce times The queue discipline analyzed ts first-come- first-served with queue adjustments on both job arrivals and completton~ The problems are formulated as partial difference equations and explictt solutions are obtained. The lesults mdtcate that the turnaround umes are more dispersed m networks than m centrafized systems Another queue dtsctphne, still first-come-first-served but with queue adjustments only on job complettons, ~s analyzed for the trafftc mtenstty between the computer systems. The result shows that the queue dtsctpline wah queue adjustments only on job ¢omplettons produces much less traffic for a htgh input traffic rate than the one wtth queue adjustments on both job arnvals and complettons. Stmulatlon results suggest that the above observation holds independent of the form of mterarnval and servtce ttme dtstnbuttons.

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