Viewed in the pion rest frame, the Feynman amplitude for emission of a soft pion is simply proportional to the amplitude of the core, each possible source nucleon contributing a term proportional to its chirality. Together with threshold approximations, this observation enables us to write, in a very simple way, a general expression relating the cross section σ(p¯pf+π0) to σ(p¯pf), and the cross section σ(p¯pf+π+) to σ(p¯nf), near threshold. A comparison is made to data on the reactions p¯pp¯pπ0, p¯nπ+, Λ¯Λπ0, ΣΣ+π0, Λp¯K+π0, and Σ+p¯K0π0, with varying degrees of success.