Possible mechanism for non-BB¯decays of the Υ(4S)

Recent observation of Υ(4S)→ψ+X with the ψ too energetic to come from the decay of a B meson suggests that there could be a substantial rate of non-BB¯ decay of Υ(4S). We attempt to explain this by conventional quarkonium spectroscopy and suggest that Υ(4S)→hb(1P)+η and Υ(4S)→ηb+h1(1170) with subsequent decays into ψ’s are possible candidates. A crude estimate of the corresponding rates show them to be of the correct order of magnitude. The model implies that hb decays to DD¯ are more frequent than into the ψ, causing a potentially serious background to the sample used for determination of ‖Vub/Vcb‖.