A diffusion-controlled recombination, A+AO/ and/or A+AA, is investigated on the basis of a field theory where initial conditions are explicitly taken into account. The renormalization is performed exactly to all orders in perturbation and a complete scaling form of Green (correlation) functions is derived. The asymptotic decay of a reactant density ρ, ρ(t)∝td/2, is confirmed. In addition, it becomes evident that ρ exhibits mean-field reaction rate dependence and is in inverse proportion to a reaction rate k, ρ∝k1. An explicit universal form of ρ is calculated perturbatively in two different ways, i.e., to first order of ε=dc-d=2-d and to first order of a scaling field Xktd/2. Logarithmic corrections at d=dc=2 are also discussed.