The Neurovascular Relationships and the Blood Supply of the Trochlear Nerve: Surgical Anatomy of Its Cisternal Segment

We examined in detail the cisternal segments of 15 trochlear nerves in brain stems injected with India ink and fixed in formalin. The nerves were found to emerge as singular trunks (33.3%), singular trunks with accessory rootlets (13.3%), or two or three roots with (26.7%) or without accessory rootlets (26.7%). The nerves were in close relationship or in contact with the superior cerebellar artery, that is, with the main trunk of the superior cerebellar artery, its medial and lateral terminal stems, the accessory superior cerebellar artery, and the vermian, paravermian, collicular, and lateral hemispheric arteries as well as their small branches. Some of these vessels were connected by anastomoses in 86.7% of the cases. The anastomotic channels varied from 40 to 530 microns in diameter. The cisternal segment of each trochlear nerve was usually supplied by a single long artery, which most often arose from the vermian artery (26.7%) or the collicular artery (26.7%). The feeding vessel ranged from 30 to 80 microns in caliber. We discuss the possible clinical significance of the anatomic data observed in the present study.