Anesthesia and recovery with tricaine methanesulfonate, eugenol and thiopental sodium in the carp, Cyprinus carpio.

The anesthetic effects of tricaine methanesulfonate (MS-222), eugenol (FA-100) and thiopental sodium (RABONAL) on adult carp (Cyprinus carpio) were examined with the recovery process. For this purpose, behavioral response and changes in respiratory rates during anesthesia and recovery were determined. All anesthetic agents were applied to carp by immersing it in the solution of the agent. Effects of water temperature (10 and C) on anesthetic and recovery process were also tested. FA-100 (25 to 100 ppm) and RABONAL (200 to 300 ppm) shortened the time required to induce each anesthetic stage and delayed recovery with dose depended manner. Higher dosage of MS-222 (50 to 200 ppm) also hastened induction of anesthesia. There was no difference in recovery times between the used concentrations of MS-222, and recovery was quicker than those observed in the cases with other agents. MS-222 caused the increase in respiratory rates. On the contrary, FA-100 and RABONAL decreased respiratory rates. The high water temperature ( C) augmented the anesthetic effects of agents and facilitated the recovery. These results reveal the quick recovery of carp when it is anesthetized with MS-222 and indicate that the criterion of anesthesia and recovery determined in this study is useful for analysing the effect of anesthetic in adult carp.