The excitation transitions considered are 11S to 21P and 11S to 31P. Electron correlation is introduced into the description of the 11S ground state in a systematic way by using the natural expansion of a configuration-interaction (CI) wavefunction developed by Weiss. By truncating this expansion to the first X terms and renormalizing a series of wavefunctions ranging from a Hartree-Fock equivalent (X=1) to the full CI function (X=15) are obtained. Operating within the first Born approximation, three standard formulations for evaluating f(K) are used and their sensitivity with respect to correlation effects is discussed and a comparison of the present results is made with those of other workers. Although the inclusion of the first correlation configuration in the 11S wavefunction did not necessarily guarantee an improvement in f(K), the introduction of the second correlation term in the natural expansion gave rise to a significant improvement in f(K) for all K regardless of the mode of calculation.