Aroha is a 5 ha island in Kerikeri Inlet, Bay of Islands, which is joined to the North Island mainland by a 200 m long causeway. Introduced Australian brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) spread into the general area only in the mid 1970s, and were first trapped on Aroha Island in June 1979. Since then possums have regularly crossed the causeway, and have been systematically trapped to keep the island free of them. Two hundred and sixty two possums have been trapped on Aroha Island to December 1990, and the annual catch has increased steadily since 1981. About equal numbers of males and females have been trapped. Most possums were caught in March-April and fewest in July-August. Captures on the island were clustered, particularly during the breeding seasons. Average body weight was 2.2 kg; 97% were greys and 3% blacks; the young of females trapped on the island had been born in all months except December to February. In colour, body weight, and breeding pattern the possums trapped on Aroha Island were similar to other possum populations from the northern North Island. Most of the possums invading Aroha Island were 1-2 years old: in contrast to findings from previous studies of possum dispersal, Arona Island was invaded year-round by young male and female possums equally. Some older animals may also have been attracted to the island by fruits available in an orchard there. Maintenance of the possum-free state of Aroha Island will require continuous management.