Root exudate and the ability of corn to utilize insoluble sources of iron

This work was to study the characteristics of root exudate from Fe‐deficient and nondeficient corn plants as well as to study the ability of corn to utilize Fe‐III from different sources. A combined sand and water culture technique was designed in order to collect root exudate free of nutrients for direct analysis of organic acids and amino acids. Secondly it was to study the ability of the Fe‐deficient plants to solubilize iron from Fe(OH)3, FePCO4, alkali soil sample and acid soil sample. Using the HPLC analysis, results indicate that various substances were released by the roots and there was a clear difference between normal and deficient plants. The amino acid analysis data showed a distinct difference in the amount and type of amino acids. Cystine, isoleucine, leucine and lysine were detected only in the exudate of Fe‐deficient plants. Results of Fe concentration in the above ground portion of corn plants reveraled different magnitude of increase and the highest increase was for FePO4 and acid soil treatments.