Exploratory development of the reconnection launcher 1986-90

The exploratory development phase for the reconnection launcher is summarized. This is an induction launcher which features a contactless, solid armature with either flat-plate or cylindrical geometry. The strategy for successful design is discussed, emphasizing the way the issues of ohmic heating and high-voltage requirements for high velocity were resolved. The indispensable role of a fast-running, mesh-matrix code is stressed. The three multistage launcher are described. One of these achieved a muzzle velocity of 1 km/s with a 150 gram flat-plate projectile. The other two have launched cylindrical projectiles at 335 m/s, one with relatively heavy projectiles of 5 kg, the other with relatively light ones of 10 g. The cylindrical projectile scan be spin-stabilized prior to launch for improved flight. The potential of this technology for earth-to-orbit launch of small artificial satellites is outlined.<>

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