Inflammatory cells were studied in 269 rnucoid middle ear effusions of 202 patients with secretory otitis media (SOM). Although the effusions contained inflammatory cells in all cases, the number of cells, the proportion of viable cells and the proportions of different cell types showed marked heterogeneity. However, the effusions formed a sliding scale with regard to the above cellular parameters. We suggest that these differences in the cellular picture might reflect differences in immune mechanisms and responses in the different effusions, possibly representing different phases of the course of an established SOM. In the subgroups of patients with cleft palate (22) or atopy (16) the cellular picture resembled that seen in the other patients (164), with the exception that the effusions of the cleft palate patients were somewhat more lymphocytic. Thus, from the immunological point of view, the effusions in established SOM seem to behave similarly, irrespective of the differences in the etiological background of SOM.