Setal losses in the dorsal hysterosoma of Plateremaeoidea (Acari: Oribatida) in the light of ontogenetic studies

The Plateremaeoidea demonstrate highly differentiated patterns of dorsal setae on the hysterosoma because these setae are lost in protonymph and adult. Setal loss in protonymph always starts with setae of d-series, and occurs in order, continuing to the l-series and h-series. For example, Aleurodamaeus setosus (Berlese, 1883 Berlese, A. 1883. Escursione in Sicilia. Acarofauna Sicula. Ia serie. Bull Soc Entomol Ital., 15: 212–220. [Google Scholar] ) and Al. africanus Pletzen, 1963 Pletzen, R Van . 1963. Studies on South African Oribatei, II. Plateremaeidae Trägardh 1931; Genus Pedrocortesella Hammer 1961. Acarologia, 5(3): 438–442. [Google Scholar] lose setae of d-series in protonymph, and eight pairs in adult (c-series, l-series, h 2, h 3), so four pairs of setae remain (h 1, p-series). Arthrodamaeus reticulatus (Berlese, 1910), Gymnodamaeus bicostatus (C. L. Koch, 1836) and Jacotella neonominata Subías, 2004 Subías LS. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los Ácaros Oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia. 60:3–305. Online version accessed in February 2011, p. 1–558. Available from ( [Google Scholar] lose also setae la and lm in protonymph, and four pairs (c-series, lp), five pairs (c-series, lp, h 3) and six pairs (c-series, lp, h 2, h 3) in adults, respectively, so six pairs (h-, p-series), five pairs (h 1, h 2, p-series) and four pairs of setae (h 1, p-series) remain, respectively. Licnodamaeus costula Grandjean, 1931 Grandjean, F. 1931. Le genre Licneremaeus Paoli (Acariens). Bull Soc Zool France., 56: 221–250. [Google Scholar] loses additionally seta lp, and Licnobelba latiflabellata (Paoli, 1908 Paoli, G. 1908. Monografia del genere Dameosoma Berl. e generi affini. Redia., 5: 31–91. [Google Scholar] ) also lose seta h 2 in protonymph, and setae of c-series in adults, so six pairs of setae (h-series, p-series) remain in the former species, and four pairs (h 1, p-series) in the latter species. Morphological characters of juveniles and adults of eight species of Plateremaeoidea are compared.