Using cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) in glutaraldehyde as fixative, we observed sinuous fiber-like structures 300-500 nm long and 7-14 nm thick in the spaces between the collagen fibers of rat incisor predentin. Small granules and fibrils were also detected. Electron-dense vesicles were seen inside the odontoblast processes. The plasma membrane was irregularly stained with material that adhered to its surface. In demineralized dentin, needle-like structures were seen at the periphery of globular structures which were not stained. Staining the sections with Alcian blue did not greatly improve the visualization of CPC-precipitated glycosaminoglycans. The specificity of staining was assessed on serial sections by selective dissociation of glycosaminoglycan aggregates with 2 M calcium chloride and their digestion by bovine testicular hyaluronidase. The glycosaminoglycans were probably combined with lipids, because treatment of the sections with a chloroform/methanol mixture removed the CPC-induced precipitates from both predentin and dentin.

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