The Clinical Linguistic and Auditory Milestone Scale (CLAMS)

• The Clinical Linguistic and Auditory Milestone Scale (CLAMS) and Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID) were independently administered to 43 children with mild-to-moderate motor delay at 15, 21, and 27 months of age. Highly significant correlations were noted for each examination. Sex, race, and age at time of examination did not significantly influence the relationship between a CLAMS quotient and a Bayley ratio quotient (BRQ). On the first examination gestational age exerted an effect that carried over to the total population. The initial CLAMS quotient also correlated with the results of the CLAMS and BSID administered 12 months later. The CLAMS identified children with a delayed BRQ (AJDC1986;140:694-698)