Two New Black Flies from Saskatchewan (Diptera: Simuliidae)

The material on which the following descriptions are based was collected by the junior author during a study of the life-histories and ecologies of the Simuliidae of the Prairie Provinces. The type locality for both forms is the Shell River at the bridge on Provincial Highway No. 55, five miles west of Prince Albert and about 24½ miles above its junction with rhe North Saskatchewan River. Here the river is about 30 feet widc and has a bed of fine gravel or sand. When the collections were made, the water had a mean depth of one foot, a flow-rate of 1.5-2.0 ft. per second, and a temperature range of 55-59° F. Pupae were collected from emergent vegetation, chiefly grass blades, in the swifter parts of the stream. The following species were also taken at this site: Simulium (Hellichia) canonicolum (D. & S.), S. (Eusimulium) aureum Fries, S. (Byssodon) rugglesi N. & M., S. decorum Wlk., S. luggeri N. & M., S. tuberosum Lund., S. venustum Say, and S. (Neosimulium) vittatum Zett.

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