The nuclear spectra of Fe54,56,58 and Ni58,60,62 are obtained by mixing various bands. The bands for each nucleus are obtained by considering the prolate and oblate Hartree-Fock solutions. The third band is obtained by considering two-particle-two-hole excitations on whichever is the lower solution of the above two. The states with definite angular momenta are projected and the orthogonalization is carried out to obtain the nuclear spectra. The Yukawa-Rosenfeld interaction (YR) and the Kuo-Brown interaction modified by McGrory et al. (KM) are used as the two-body interactions. The single particle energies are varied for each mucleus to give a good fit. A comparison between the interactions shows that the KM interaction for the Fe isotopes and the YR interaction for the Ni isotopes give better results. In general, the agreement with the experimental spectra is very good. However, the second 2+ state in Fe56,58 and Ni60 cannot be explained by this model which considers only K=0 bands. The high spin states have also been obtained. The effects of the band mixing on the nuclear spectra are discussed in detail for each nucleus.