Magnetic pulsations at the quasi‐parallel shock

The plasma and field properties of large‐amplitude magnetic field pulsations upstream from the quasi‐parallel region of the Earth's bow shock are examined in high time resolution using data from ISEE 1 and 2. The relative timing of the magnetic field profiles observed at the two spacecraft shows that some of the pulsations are convecting antisunward across the spacecraft while others are brief out/in motions of the bow shock across the spacecraft. Pulsations with both timing signatures are the site of slowing and heating of the solar wind plasma. The ions tend to be only weakly heated in the convecting pulsations, while within the out/in pulsations the ion heating can be quite substantial but variable. This variation occurs not only from pulsation to pulsation but also from point to point within a given pulsation. In general, the hottest distributions within the out/in pulsations tend to occur in regions of lower density and field strength. Magnetic pulsations bear a number of similarities to previously identified hot diamagnetic cavity events as well as to more durable crossings of the quasi‐parallel shock itself. These various phenomena may be different manifestations of the same basic physical processes, in particular the coupling of coherently reflected ions to the solar wind beam.