Update on hemangiomas and vascular malformations of the head and neck

Although the current classification systems of vascular malformations and hemangiomas are increasingly accepted, there are nonetheless several aspects that show us how special and at the same time difficult it is to diagnose, evaluate, and treat some of those diseases. Close interdisciplinary cooperation of all involved disciplines is essential; the discussion of the adequate individual procedure must be performed in angioma boards, as it is already well established in the context of tumor boards. The interface of angioma therapy and tumor therapy seems to be very close, which is certainly true for the aspect of angiogenesis and of course for the inhibited proliferation as promising therapeutic approach of complex vascular malformations. This leads to another obvious necessity of intensifying experimental scientific research on vascular malformations and hemangiomas, which is a precondition for optimizing or elimination of different current problems and deficits in the mentioned field.