Polytene chromosomes were found in several larval and pupal tissues of the Medfly, Ceratitis capitata, during a search for chromosomes suitable for detailed cytological analysis. Well-banded highly polytene chromosomes, which could be adequately separated and spread, were found in trichogen cells of the spatulate superior orbital bristles of male pupae. These chromosomes proved suitable for full polytene analysis. Thoracic trichogen cells of both male and female pupae also contain useful polytene chromosomes, although they are considerably thinner and thus more difficult to analyze. Contrasting with those in pupal trichogen cells, the chromosomes in the salivary glands, Malphighian tubules, midgut, hindgut, and fat body of larvae and pupae were difficult to prepare because of high levels of ectopic pairing and chromosome fragmentation. In hindgut preparations partial separation of up to three chromosomes was achieved, but in all other tissues no useful chromosome separation was possible. In trichogen polytene cells, five banded chromosomes and a prominent heterochromatic network associated with a nucleolus are found. The mitotic chromosomes respond to C- and Q-banding and silver staining with considerable variation. This is especially so in the X chromosome, which displays an extensive array of bands following both Q-banding and silver staining. Comparison of Q-banded metaphase and polytene chromosomes demonstrates that the five autosomes are represented by conventional polytene chromosomes, while the sex chromosomes are contained in the heterochromatic net, most of which fluoresces strongly. This suggests that the Q-bands of the mitotic X chromosome are replicated to a greater extent than the nonfluorescent material in polytene cells. This investigation shows C. capitata to have excellent cytological material for both polytene and mitotic analysis.Key words: Ceratitis capitata, Medfly, chromosomes (polytene), banding (chromosome).