Socioeconomic status and cancer survival.

Survival data from eight Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) protocols were examined for patients with lung cancer (N = 961), multiple myeloma (N = 577), gastric cancer (N = 231), pancreatic cancer (N = 174), breast cancer (N = 87), and Hodgkin's disease (N = 58). After accounting for differences in survival rate attributable to type of cancer, initial performance status, age, and 14 other protocol-specific prognostic indicators, the additional predictive value of socioeconomic status (SES) was evaluated. Race (white v non-white) was not a significant predictor of survival time, but income and education were. People with lower annual incomes (below $5,000 per year in the years 1977 to 1981) and those with lower educational level (grade school only) showed survival times significantly shorter than those with higher income or education, respectively. These survival differences were associated with, but could not be fully explained by, severity of disease at initial presentation. SES continued to exert a sma...

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