Nonspecific Vaginitis and Other Genital Infections in Three Clinic Populations

Nonspecific vaginitis was present in 37% of 40 patients attending the Special Urology (Sexually Transmitted Disease) Clinic at the Victoria General Hospital, in 23% of 75 patients attending the Family Planning Clinic and in 23% of 13 patients attending the Prenatal Clinic at the Grace Maternity Hospital in Halifax, Nova Scotia [Canada]. The mean prevalence was 27%. Subjective complaints of vaginal odor were significantly associated with nonspecific vaginitis (P < 0.001); symptoms of vaginal discharge or vulvar irritation and itching were not. No correlations were found between the presence of nonspecific vaginitis and the isolation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Trichomonas vaginalis or vaginal yeast species. The organic acid present in vaginal washings that best correlated with the presence of nonspecific vaginitis was succinic acid.