Excitation of Several Important Metastable States ofby Electron Impact
- 1 February 1972
- journal article
- research article
- Published by American Physical Society (APS) in Physical Review A
- Vol. 5 (2) , 648-656
- https://doi.org/10.1103/physreva.5.648
Absolute cross sections for excitation of the , , and metastable states of were deduced from previous time-of-flight studies of metastable nitrogen molecules. The cross section for direct excitation of the state was determined from threshold to 40 eV and was found to have a peak value of () × near 11 eV. The total apparent cross section of the state was obtained by adding cascade contributions from the and states and was found to have a value of about 1.2 × at the two peaks near 11.0 and 14.5 eV. The state was efficiently excited near threshold and exhibited a resonancelike excitation function with a half-width (full width of half-maximum) at about 0.4 eV and a peak cross section of (7.0 ± 4.0) × at 12.2 eV. The excitation function for the state was obtained from threshold to about 40 eV and was found to differ markedly from two other measurements. Using the present results, a sample vibrational distribution for noninteracting molecules in the state was calculated at selected electron energies near threshold. For most energies, the lowest vibrational levels are most strongly populated in qualitative agreement with atmospheric observations.
This publication has 19 references indexed in Scilit:
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