Concns. of 100 ug./ml. and over show a growth-depressing effect on T. cruzi cultures even in the presence of serum, such an effect being increased proportionately with antibiotic concn., until with 200 [mu]g./ml. and a few hrs.'' exposure, the lethal dosage is reached. The effects of tyrocidine in vitro on T. cruzi are only slightly influenced by temp. over a range of 20[degree]-30[degree]C. When the pH of the culture medium reaches 6 or lower, morph. changes in the flagellates are produced. Vacuolation and rounding up occur in both control and antibiotic-containing cultures and do not seem to be due to the influence of tyrocidine, but rather to a change in the pH of the culture medium, with possibly the actions of metabolites in an ageing culture.