Phaeohyphomycosis of the nasal sinuses caused by a new species of Exserohilum

A 27-year-old man with a 6-year history of allergies developed nasal polyps that occluded his nose and prevented visual examination beyond the nasal vestibules. Histological examination of the polyps and bony tissue revealed septate, dematiaceous hyphae invading the bone trabeculae. A dematiaceous fungus was isolated in pure culture from the diseased tissue. Detailed mycological examination of the isolate showed that it produced numerous, distinctive poroconidia from erect, geniculate, sympodial conidiophores. The conidia were straight and cylindroellipsoidal, had 8 to 13 distosepta, and had protruding hila. The outer cell walls of the conidia, which were initially smooth, became unevenly roughened on aging. Comparison with other Exserohilum species revealed that the isolate represented an undescribed species; it is named Exserohilum mcginnisii sp. nov.