Closure of a Popliteal Arteriovenous Fistula Using an Autologous Vein-Covered Palmaz Stent

Purpose: To report the use of autologous vein to cover a stainless steel stent designated for repair of a traumatic popliteal arteriovenous (AV) fistula. Methods and Results: Autologous cephalic vein was harvested to cover a Palmaz biliary stent selected to close a traumatic popliteal AV fistula that persisted despite reparative attempts with balloon occlusion and coil embolization. The vein-covered stent was delivered percutaneously and deployed, successfully obliterating the vascular communication. Patency of the popliteal artery was documented arteriographically at 5 months, and symptomatic improvement continues at 10 months. Conclusion: The simplicity of this percutaneous approach and the use of autologous vein to cover endovascular prostheses create the possibility for evaluating this technique in myriad anatomical situations.