Observation of Ultra-Slow Translational Diffusion in Metallic Lithium by Magnetic Resonance

The theory of a new magnetic-resonance technique for studying the ultra slow motion of atoms was presented in a previous paper. In this paper, we present its experimental confirmation for the case of translational diffusion in lithium metal. By this technique the mean time between atomic jumps τ can be measured provided that τ is less than the spin-lattice relaxation time T1, permitting study of much slower rates of motion than previously has been possible using magnetic resonance. For lithium metal we have measured over nine orders of magnitude from τ=109 sec to τ=1 sec, thereby extending by nearly five decades the results previously obtained by Holcomb and Norberg using conventional techniques. We have applied a new spin-temperature theory to the analysis of our low-temperature results in the range of its validity, T1>τ>T2. By studying the variation of our relaxation time with the rf field strength H1, we have unambiguously demonstrated the validity of the spin-temperature theory and the invalidity of perturbation theories in describing relaxation due to infrequent atomic motions in weak applied fields.