The Green's-function method and decoupling scheme due to Nagaoka for dilute magnetic alloys in the normal state is extended to include superconductivity. A general expression for the superconducting critical temperature Tc is found for low-impurity concentrations nI. This expression involves unknown parameters which occur in Nagaoka's equations for the normal state. When Tcthe Kondo temperature TK, the expression for the initial change in Tc with respect to nI contains two terms: (i) the decrease in Tc of Abrikosov and Gor'kov as corrected by Maki and Griffin for the Kondo anomaly, and (ii) a change in Tc due to the polarization of the impurity spin which depends on the sign of the coupling constant J of the sd exchange interaction. To order J3, the term (ii) corresponds to the Solyom and Zawadowski's result. These results are obtained by use of Nagaoka's solution of his equations in the range TcTK. A solution of Nagaoka's equations due to Hamann is next used to find an expression for Tc valid for all TK. This expression is analyzed and compared with experimental data in the range TcTK.