Nondetectable S-cone electroretinogram in a patient with crystalline retinopathy

We examined cone and rod electroretinograms to ganzfeld stimuli in a patient with crystalline retinopathy. The 54-year-old man complained of night blindness, blurred vision, and metamorphopsia in both eyes. His visual acuity was 10/200 in the right eye and 10/20 in the left eye; his subjective dark-adaptation threshold was elevated 1 log unit, and he made one tritan error on the Farnsworth Panel D-15. Specular microscopic examinations revealed tiny crystalline deposits in the limbal cornea bilaterally. Ophthalmoscopically, crystalline deposits were found in the posterior fundi. His light-adapted cone electroretinograms to white stimuli were diminished (about 30% of those of normal controls), with normal implicit times. His darkadapted rod electroretinogram amplitudes were 10% of those of normal controls. The S-cone electroretinogram was not detectable to different spectral stimuli with strong white background, while the L-M-cone responses appeared normal in waveforms with reduced amplitude. These ERG results indicated that the patient's S-cone system is more highly impaired than the L-M-cone system, supporting the psychophysical evidence that the S-cone system is more vulnerable than other cone systems in retinal diseases.