Nonintegrated plasmid-chromosome complexes in Escherichia coli

A number of plasmid systems have been examined for the ability of their covalently closed circular deoxyribonucleic acid (CCC DNA) forms to cosediment in neutral sucrose gradients with the folded chromosomes of their respective hosts. Given that cosedimentation of CCC plasmid and chromosomal DNA represents a bound or complexed state between these replicons, our results can be expressed as follows. (i) All plasmid systems complex, on the average, at least one plasmid per chromosomal equivalent. (ii) Stringently controlled plasmids exist predominantly in the bound state, whereas the opposite is true for plasmids that exist in multiple copies or are under relaxed control of replication. (iii) The degree to which a plasmid population binds to host chromosomes appears to be a function of plasmid genotype and not of plasmid size. (iv) For the colicin E1 plasmid the absolute number of plasmids bound per folded chromosome equivalent does increase as the intracellular plasmid/chromosome ratio increases in cells starved for required amino acids or in cells treated with chloramphenicol; however, the ratio of bound to free plasmids remains constant during plasmid copy number amplification.