Rap1, a small GTP‐binding protein is upregulated during arrest of proliferation in human keratinocytes

Rap1 is a small GTP‐binding protein (SMG) that exists in two 95% homologous isoforms, rap1A and rap1B. The functions of the rap1 proteins are not well understood. In this report we examined expression and function of rap1 in primary (HOKs) and immortalized (IHOKs) human oral keratinocytes under different growth conditions. In HOKs, rap1 increased with passage number, suggesting a role in differentiation and arrest of proliferation. Similarly, when inhibition of proliferation and differentiation were induced in HOKs by 1.2 mM CaCl2, both rap1 and involucrin increased with increasing concentrations of CaCl2. However, when similar experiments were done with IHOKs, which continue to proliferate in the presence of 1.2 mM CaCl2, the increase in involucrin expression was similar to HOKs but there was no substantial increase in rap1, suggesting that increased expression of rap1 is linked to inhibition of proliferation rather than differentiation of keratinocytes. Upon transfection of immortalized keratinocytes with rapGAP, which inactivates both isoforms of endogenous active rap1, enhanced proliferation was observed. Thus, we conclude that rap1 inhibits proliferation in keratinocytes. J. Cell. Physiol. 196: 532–540, 2003.