Comparison of Three Mating Systems: II. Weights and Body Measurements of Heifers

Body dimensions and weights of female progeny from 3 systems of mating were studied from birth to 1st calving. Heifers produced by outcrossing to Holstein sires in artificial insemination were largest up to 1st claving, at which time the average of heifers produced by crossbreeding (Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, and Holstein sires) exceeded the outcrosses in weight and body length from withers to pins. Heifers produced by mild inbreeding within a separate line were consistently smaller than outcrosses and crossbreds. Brown Swiss .times. Holstein heifers were largest of the 6 crosses; Ayrshire .times. Holstein crosses were smallest. Brown Swiss .times. Holstein crosses were also larger than both purebred Holstein groups. Heifers born in Nov. and born of 4th parity dams were generally larger than heifers born in other seasons or of other parity dams, either in weight or in aspects of body dimension.