Simultaneous Detection of Linkage Disequilibrium and Genetic Differentiation of Subdivided Populations

We propose a new method for simultaneously detecting linkage disequilibrium and genetic structure in subdivided populations. Taking subpopulation structure into account with a hierarchical model, we estimate the magnitude of genetic differentiation and linkage disequilibrium in a metapopulation on the basis of geographical samples, rather than decompose a population into a finite number of random-mating subpopulations. We assume that Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is satisfied in each locality, but do not assume independence between marker loci. Linkage states remain unknown. Genetic differentiation and linkage disequilibrium are expressed as hyperparameters describing the prior distribution of genotypes or haplotypes. We estimate related parameters by maximizing marginal-likelihood functions and detect linkage equilibrium or disequilibrium by the Akaike information criterion. Our empirical Bayesian model analyzes genotype and haplotype frequencies regardless of haploid or diploid data, so it can be applied to most commonly used genetic markers. The performance of our procedure is examined via numerical simulations in comparison with classical procedures. Finally, we analyze isozyme data of ayu, a severely exploited fish species, and single-nucleotide polymorphisms in human ALDH2.