Letter I. Reverend Sir, Norwich, 17th April, 1794. I received your letter yesterday ; and I am extremely happy in giving you the best description in my power respecting the phenomenon I saw in the moon, on Friday the 7th of March, a few minutes before eight o'clock in the evening. I was in hopes, as it was a bright evening, that some astronomer might observe it, who would have described it in a more scientific manner than I can. The few observations I made were merely to compare with some account I expected and wished to meet in some periodical publication. My friend Mr. Beckwith having the day before told me that I might see Mercury soon after sun-set, I had been looking for that planet from the Castle-hill in Norwich, but was disappointed by a clouded horizon. I mention this merely as the reason of my being led to a more particular notice of the moon also in this evening, having lost the first object of that evening's attention.