PDP of Hydrogen Isotopes in a Low Temperature Plasma

An ECR plasma discharge device has been designed and operated to study plasma driven permeation initiated by a scrape-off plasma. The observed plasma parameters are ne: 1010/cm3 and Te: <5eV in the pressure (Po) range of 0.5 − 5 Pa. Protium and deuterium permeation through a SS 304 foil of 10 µm has been measured as functions of the pressure, bias voltage and the temperature of the sample foil. Even such a low temperature plasma, a typical plasma driven permeation was observed with a very sharp“spike” at the start point of the permeation. An evident mass effect was also observed in the permeation of hydrogen isotopes. At a low pressure, around 2 Pa, the permeation showed to depend on bias voltages applied to the tested sample foil.