A cladistic analysis of Angophora Cav. used a data set dominated by quantitative morphological characters. These were coded into multistates using Generalized Gap-Coding, and treated as ordered sequences of states. The reasons for choosing an ordered over an unordered sequence are discussed. A branch and bound method yielded one minimal-length, unrooted tree. Because of uncertainty in the position of the root, five cladograms were derived from the unrooted tree. The consensus cladogram comprises four main clades. The consensus cladogram was used for a biogeographic study using component analysis, which generated a single statement of relationships for five areas of eastern Australia. An infra-generic classification of Angophora comprising four series corresponding to the four main clades, and two subseries, is presented. The following new names are published: Angophora series Floribundinae, series Subvelutininae, series Bakerinae, subseries Costatitae. Angophora leiocarpa (L. Johnson ex G. Leach) K. R. Thiele and P. Y. Ladiges [=A. costata ssp. leiocarpa] and A. paludosa (G. Leach) K. R. Thiele and P. Y. Ladiges [=A. bakeri ssp. paludosa] are published as new combinations.