Infrared Intensities of Crystalline HCN and DCN

The absolute infrared intensities of crystalline HGN and DCN were measured at the temperature of liquid N2. In comparison with the gaseous values, both stretching fundamentals (v1, v3) exhibited a striking increase in the integrated absorption, while the bending (v2) was almost unchanged. From the observed intensity change, the change in the dipole-moment derivatives with respect to the molecular internal coordinates was calculated to be ∂ΔM⁄∂rC=N=1.43 D/Å and ∂ΔM⁄∂rC−H=2.01 D/Å, those values were chosen from two alternative possibilities as the more probable set. The significance of these values, however, is somewhat peculiar to the optically-active crystalline vibrations, so they were then resolved into derivatives with respect to purely intramolecular and intermolecular coordinates: [∂ΔM⁄∂rC−H]=0.58 D/Å and [∂ΔM⁄∂rH···N]=−1.43 D/Å. The general intensity features were reasonably interpreted by considering the contribution of a charge-transfer structure to the H–N hydrogen bonding.