Physiological and molecular characterization of flor yeasts: Polymorphism of flor yeast populations

Yeast strains which form velum on the surface of Sherry wine during the aging process have been isolated and characterized. According to their metabolic and molecular features most of the yeasts that were isolated belong to different races of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (beticus, cheresiensis, montuliensis and rouxii). Due to the conditions under which these yeasts were isolated, all strains have in common the capacity to develop a film as an adaptive mechanism which allows them to grow and survive in 15·5% vol. ethanol. All strains were prototrophs for amino acids and most vitamins but they gave different responses to the killer factor. However, whereas their physiological features were similar, they showed a great heterogeneity with regards to the nuclear and mitochondrial genome (mtDNA): DNA content per cell was quite variable (1·3 to 2n), electrophoretic karyotypes of nuclear genomes indicated a main pattern with some variations, and polymorphism shown by the mtDNA was very high. Under extreme conditions such as Sherry wine with 15·5% vol. ethanol, no fermentable sugar and an exclusively oxidative metabolism, cells hardly grow and the maintenance of a live population depends on survival and respiration, which in turn depend on the mtDNA. At the same time these environmental conditions are mutagenic for the mtDNA, causing an increase in variation. Thus, the polymorphism observed might reflect the enormous variability induced by the ethanol followed by the selection of those mtDNA sequences which make the mitochondria metabolically active under these conditions.