The labelling index of human and mouse tumours assessed by bromodeoxyuridine staining in vitro and in vivo and flow cytometry

Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) incorporation and flow cytometry were used to measure human tumour kinetic parameters in vitro and in vivo. The technique was validated by comparison of labelling index estimates of mouse tumours in vivo and in vitro using BrdUrd and flow cytometry Nvith tritiated thymidine (3HdThd) autoradiography. Similar labelling indices were obtained with both in vivo and in vitro incorporation into DNA of the two different precursors. Measurements of human tumour labelling indices were similar following in vitro incubation with either BrdUrd or 3HdThd. The use of BrdUrd allowed the visualization of a population of S‐phase cells that did not appear to incorporate BrdUrd or 3HdThd. The human tumour labelling indices obtained with BrdUrd incorporation were similar to previously reported values using autoradiography studies. Preliminary studies demonstrated that significant human tumour labelling could be achieved with an intravenous injection of 500 mg BrdUrd.