Silane coupling agents containing a fluorocarbon chain were prepared in high yields. It was found that silanes can be useful modifiers of the surfaces of glass, metals, and resin composites for dental use. The silane coupling agent CF3(CF2)9CH2CH2Si(OCH3)3 was the best modifier of these surfaces in terms of water and oil repellency. Colorants and experimental bacterial plaque detached much more easily from, and adhered less well to, surfaces modified with this silane coupling agent compared with unmodified surfaces. The surfaces of four teeth of a denture were modified with this silane coupling agent by spreading the agent on the surfaces with a small brush followed by brief drying with a hair drier. The modified tooth surfaces of the denture, which was worn for four months in a heavy smoker's oral cavity, were more stain-resistant than the unmodified tooth surfaces. It is expected that silane coupling agents containing a fluorocarbon chain will be useful surface modifiers for enhancement of oral health.