The structure and distribution of satellite cells of cardiac muscles were examined in twenty-one species of animals chosen from each tribe within the order Decapoda (Arthropoda, Crustacea). The satellite cells were found in all animals observed. Most of them are morphologically identical with those described in different striated muscles of other species, but some cells have unusual features. The decapod satellite cell occasionally lies right over the region corresponding to the intercalated disc between the apposed cardiac muscle cells. The cell sends cytoplasmic processes into the adjacent muscle cells, enabling the plasma membrane to make close contact with the cleft opening of the intercalated disc, and with the myofibril at the level of the Z-line. Another characteristic feature is the presence of “paired” cells. Such cells are clearly separated from each other over most of the contact area by the respective plasma membranes, which are smooth in appearance and devoid of specialized regions. The significance of the presence of satellite cells in decapod cardiac muscle and its possible role are discussed and compared with those described for other species.