Nonpolar InGaN∕GaN emitters on reduced-defect lateral epitaxially overgrown a-plane GaN with drive-current-independent electroluminescence emission peak

Nonpolar (112¯0) a -plane InGaNGaN multiple-quantum-well light-emitting diodes were grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition on reduced-defect density hydride-vapor-phase-epitaxy lateral epitaxially overgrown a -plane GaN templates. Direct current output power of 240 μW was measured at 20 mA for a 300×300μm2 device, and dc output powers as high as 1.5 mW were measured at 250 mA. DC electroluminescence (EL) measurements yielded a peak at 413.5 nm, corresponding with the room-temperature photoluminescence peak. The EL peak position was independent of drive current and a 23.5 nm linewidth was realized at 20 mA. The current–voltage characteristics of these diodes showed a forward voltage (Vf) of 3.3 V with a series resistance of 7.8 Ω.