Muscular Fitness Profile of Female College Basketball Players

The purpose of this investigation was to describe the body composition, peak torque, peak torque ratios, and relative and absolute muscle endurance in the ankle, knee, shoulder, and elbow of 13 female college basketball players. A Cybex(R) II isokinetic dynamometer was used to assess joint torque. Results indicated that 1) these subjects were taller, heavier, and leaner than untrained females of the same age; 2) the flexors were stronger than the extensors at each joint and at each velocity tested with the exception of the right elbow; 3) the right-left difference in peak torque ranged from 0.2 to 12.4% with the mean difference across all joints and all velocities 3.0%; 4) f1exor:extensor ratios varied with the velocity of the movement; and 5) relative muscle endurance was greatest in the shoulders and least in the knee while absolute muscle endurance was greatest at the knee and lowest at the ankle. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1985;7(2):59-64.