A New Oxisuran Metabolite

1. An unidentified oxisuran metabolite which had been observed in animal urine was biosynthesized by incubating [14C]oxisuran with rat liver cytosol. 2. The metabolite, isolated by preparative t.l.c. and extraction, was identified as oxisuran alcohol sulphide by mass fragmentography. Confirmation of this identification was obtained by biosynthesis of the same compound from oxisuran sulphide. 3. The 9000 g supernatant liquid from rat liver was less effective than cytosol in reducing oxisuran to its alcohol sulphide. Neither rat liver fraction reduced oxisuran alcohol sulphoxides to sulphide. 4. The 9000 g fraction oxidized oxisuran and oxisuran alcohol sulphoxide to oxisuran alcohol sulphone.