New Radioisotopic Assays of Argininosuccinate Synthetase and Argininosuccinase12

Methods were developed for the radioisotopic assay of argininosuccinate synthetase [L-citrulline: L-aspartate ligase (AMP-forming), EC] and argininosuccinase [L-argininosuccinate arginine-lyase, EC]. The assay of argininosuccinate synthetase was based on the separation of [14C]argininosuccinate formed from aspartate and [carbamoyl-14C]citrulline in the presence of ATP from the substrate citrulline. For this, the product was converted to its anhydride form by boiling for 30 min at pH 2.0 followed by application on a column of Dowex 50W (pyridine form). Argin-inosuccinic anhydride was eluted with 0.3 M pyridine acetate buffer, pH 4.25, while citrulline was eluted with 0.1 M pyridine acetate buffer, pH 3.80. The assay of argininosuccinase was based on the separation of [14C]argininosuc-cinic acid formed from arginine and [U-14C]fumaric acid from the substrate fumarate on a column of Dowex 50W(H+ form). The argininosuccinic acid was adsorbed on the column and eluted with 1 M pyridine solution, while fumarate was not adsorbed. The distributions of these two enzymes in various organs and cell fractions were reinvestigated using these methods.