A Double Blind Trial of Lithium Carbonate and Haloperidol in Huntington's Chorea

Six patients with a family history of Huntington's chorea (HC) participated in a double blind crossover trial involving four treatments— lithium carbonate, haloperidol, lithium carbonate and haloperidol, and placebo. Each treatment was administered for three weeks and, at the end of each treatmeat period, assessments were made of chorea and a rumber of psychological variables. None of the treatments significantly affected chorea measurements. With regard to the psychclog.cal variables, the levels of irritability, the frequency of angry outbursts and depression did appear to be affected in some patients by the treatment. Three patients improved on a combination of lithium carbonate and haloperidol while the remaining three did not. Haloperidol alone significantly raised depression ratings above levels for other treatments including placebo. It is suggested that lithium carbonate and haloperidol together should be seriously considered in the treatment of HC when patients are excessively irritable and impulsive.