Nodular hyperplasia of oncocytes in mouse submandibular glands

Multinodular hyperplastic foci of oncocytes found in mouse submandibular glands were examined ultrastructurally, and their morphogenesis discussed. The oncocytic foci showed lobular architecture surrounded by myoepithelial cells, and tubular formations were frequently present. The cytoplasm of the oncocytes was distended by tightly-packed and non-oriented mitochondria which varied in size and shape. Varying numbers of electron-dense fine granules, which were remnants of secretory granules of granular duct cells, were scattered in the cytoplasm. Within the salivary gland parenchyma neighboring the hyperplastic foci of oncocytes, intermediate-type cells between oncocytes and normal salivary gland epithelia were found. The oncocytic change has a tendency to be more frequent in the granular ducts and less in the striated ducts, and some oncocyte-transformed cells proliferate to form nodular hyperplastic foci.