The World Health Organization Global Programme on AIDS Proposal for Standardization of HIV Sequence Nomenclature

The World Health Organization Global Programme on AIDS (WHO/GPA) is conducting a large-scale collaborative study of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) variation, based in four potential vaccine-trial site countries: Brazil, Rwanda, Thailand, and Uganda.1 Through the course of this study, it was crucial to keep track of certain attributes of the samples from which the viral nucleotide sequences were derived (e.g., country of origin and viral culture characterization), so that meaningful sequence comparisons could be made. Here we describe a system developed in the context of the WHO/GPA study that summarizes such critical attributes by representing them as standardized characters directly incorporated into sequence names. This nomenclature allows linkage of clinical, phenotypic, and geographic information with molecular data. We propose that other investigators involved in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) nucleotide sequencing efforts adopt a similar standardized sequence nomenclature to facilitate cross-study sequence comparison. HIV sequence data are being generated at an ever-increasing rate; directly coupled to this increase is our deepening understanding of biological parameters that influence or result from sequence variability. A standardized sequence nomenclature that includes relevant biological information would enable researchers to better utilize the growing body of sequence data, and enhance their ability to interpret the biological implications of their own data through facilitating comparisons with previously published work.