The role of some meso‐ and diencephalic structures in eye movements was investigated by ablation and stimulation experiments. Optokinetic nystagmus was abolished by small lesions in the lateral pretectum, but not by complete removal of the superior colliculi. Stimulation of the superior colliculus and other visual centers was effective in eliciting nystagmus (slow phase ipsilateral), but the most efficient trigger zones are found in the lateral pretectum and the midbrain tegmentum. Only from these areas could nystagmus still be elicited after degeneration of the primary optic fibers. The lateral pretectal trigger zone is probably identical with the nucleus of the optic tract. It is postulated that this nucleus is an essential station for horizontal optokinetic reactions. Saccades were obtained by stimulation of the mesencephalic central grey, but not for any visual centers such as the superior colliculus.