FcReceptors Mediate Prostaglandin and Superoxide Synthesis in Cultured Rat Kupffer Cells

Latex beads with covalently bound bovine serum albumin were prepared and coated with anti-BSA immunoglobulin G. These particles were shown to posess on their surfaces a defined quantity of the antibody with the Fc portions exposed to the medium. One homologous and two heterologous antibodies of the G class were used and compared in terms of their binding to the rat Kupffer cells and their ability to elicit the typical phagocytotic responses. These particles were phagocytosed by rat Kupffer cells and elicited synthesis of prostaglandins and superoxide anion radicals. A significant release of superoxide into the medium was observed in the presence of cytochalasin B only. The data presented here suggest that a) Fc-carrying particles can be bound to Kupffer cells and elicit responses via specific receptors; b) coating with the homologous antibody yields the most effective particles; c) superoxide release into the surrounding medium is most abundant when the particle-binding membrane areas are prevented from forming phagocytotic vesicles.